Archive 2022

Changelog archives for 2022. Not finding what you're looking for? Send a message to

Looking for the current changelog? To get current product updates, please view our current Changelog or follow us on Twitter (we post updates there as well).

SDK Update - December 21st, 2022

Release - v4.2.2

  • Fix: look for either BsSndRpt.exe or BsSndRpt64.exe in BugSplatDotNet

  • ILMerge SendPdbs so we can distribute a single exe

BugSplatMac-SP Update - December 8th, 2022

Release - v1.1.4

  • Updated BugSplat logo.

BugSplatMac-SP Update - November 30th, 2022

Release - v1.1.3

  • Fixes issue with CrashReporter framework not being resolved.

.NET Standard Update - November 29th, 2022

Release - v3.1.1

  • README nuget compatible

PdbLibary Update - November 28th, 2022

Release - v1.0.0

  • Initial release 🥳 🎉

ZipCreator Update - November 28th, 2022

Release - v1.0.1

  • Remove extra folder at zip root

Release - v1.0.0

  • Initial release 🥳 🎉

SDK Update - November 21st, 2022

Release - v4.2.1

  • BsSndRpt unexpectedly stuck in monitor mode

  • MFA used as user description in BsSndRpt

Release - v4.2.0

  • Xbox Update: See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

  • Reset crash type after each post

Web App Update - November 19th, 2022

Release - v2.18.1

  • Add google tag manager

Web App Update - November 18th, 2022

Release - v2.18.0

  • Link to versions page in crash details

Web App Update - November 15th, 2022

Release - v2.17.1

  • Update notification labels

Release - v2.17.0

  • Show correct value for retire checkbox

JS API Client - November 15th, 2022

Release - v3.0.0

  • Require node 18

  • Breaking Change: Requires Node.js 18 or later

Release - v2.1.3

  • Better messages for 4xx errors

Web App Update - November 10th, 2022

Release - v2.16.9

  • Defect tacker select missing down arrow

JS API Client - November 9th, 2022

Release - v2.1.2

  • Set retired and fullDumps correctly

Web App Update - November 9th, 2022

Release - v2.16.9

  • Display full dump and retired on versions page

Release - v2.16.8

  • Azure devops Url placeholder

BugSplat Native Update - October 26th, 2022

Release - v4.1.1

  • Reset crash type after sending xml report

BugSplat Native Update - October 26th, 2022

Release - v4.1.1

  • Reset crash type after sending xml report

Web App Update - October 24th, 2022

Release - v2.16.7

  • Should reset page when performing new column search

Release - v2.16.6

  • Hide Stack Key Volume in Summary row details

JS API Client - October 20th, 2022

Release - v2.1.1

  • Support dbg id in sym files

  • Breaking Change: Updates to @bugsplat/js-api-client 2.1.1 and exports VersionsApiClient instead of SymbolsApiClient

JS API Client - October 19th, 2022

Release - v2.1.1

  • Better error for invalid client id or client secret

Web App Update - October 18th, 2022

Release - v2.16.5

  • Multiple calls to getStack

Web App Update - October 14th, 2022

Release - v2.16.4

  • Resize loading gif

Release - v2.16.3

  • PlayStation Update: see release notes in download package.

Release - v2.16.2

  • spark chart improvements

Release - v2.16.1

  • Unlink Defect from Crash and Summary tables

Web App Update - October 14th, 2022

Release - v2.16.0

  • Summary spark charts

Web App Update - October 14th, 2022

Release - v2.15.1

  • Show create stack key defect

Release - v2.15.0

  • Add webm preview

Release - v2.14.0

  • Create defects from Crash and Summary tables

JS API Client - October 13th, 2022

Release - v2.1.0

  • Add summary client

bugsplat-gdk update - October 3rd, 2022

Release - v2.0.0

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

BsSndRpt - October 3rd, 2022

Release - v5.0.0

  • Pass PID to MonitorApplication

  • Breaking Change: BsSndRpt requires a PID argument when invoked with the -m (monitor mode) flag

  • Breaking Change: Support for passing a PID to BsSndRpt was added in BugSplatGdk 2.0.0.

bugsplat-gdk update - September 27th, 2022

Release - v1.2.4

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

BsSndRpt - September 27th, 2022

Release - v4.0.4

  • Fixed cleanup files in monitor mode

  • Don't display BsSndRpt info dialog when app is minimized

bugsplat-gdk update - September 26th, 2022

Release - v1.2.3

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

bugsplat-gdk update - September 22th, 2022

Release - v1.2.2

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

SendPdbsDotNet Update - September 20th, 2022

Release - v3.0.0

  • Target .NET 4.7.2 and for TLS 1.2 support

  • Improve support for Win32 credentials AP

Web App Update - September 18th, 2022

Release - v2.13.0

  • Don't display alerts for 401 responses

  • Filter values in Email/User columns with clicks

BugSplat Native Update - September 17th, 2022

Release - v4.0.3

  • Support quiet mode for out-of-process crash reporting

  • Update MyCrasher sample

Release - v4.0.0

  • Remove calls to unsafe native functions and support drop in .NET BsSndRpt replacement

  • Changes the arguments used to invoke BsSndRpt, BugSplatHD in order to support .NET drop-in replacement (BugSplatCrashHandler)

BsSndRpt - September 17th, 2022

Release - v4.0.3

  • Crash when BugSplatSharedMemory is not initialized

Web App Update - September 15th, 2022

Release - v2.12.2

  • Upgrade modal styles

BsSndRpt - September 14th, 2022

Release - v4.0.2

  • Set quiet mode from BugSplatSharedMemory

Release - v4.0.1

  • Simplify SDK folder structure

  • Update BsSndRpt icon

Release - v4.0.1

  • Target v142 for compatibility

  • Support single char flags for BugSplatCrashHandler compatibility

  • Breaking Changes: BsSndRpt expects to be invoked with single character flags and is not backwards compatible with BugSplat.dll versions before 4.0

Web App Update - September 14th, 2022

Release - v2.12.1

  • Improve progress bar colors

Web App Update - September 13th, 2022

Release - v2.12

  • Support preview of PlayStation attachments

Release - v2.11.15

  • Modules table horizontal scrollbar

Release - v2.11.14

  • Show attachments table loading indicator

Release - v2.11.13

  • Add PlayStation crash types

  • Crash table column resizing change

  • Update to Bootstrap 5

.NET Standard Update - September 8th, 2022

Release - v4.0.1

  • Updated to latest SendPdbs - v3.0.0.0

  • Improve SDK folder layout

  • Remove deprecated function set_unexpected from bugsplat.h

Release - v3.1.0

  • Add symbol uploads

  • Symbol files should be uploaded with name of zip

  • Support for symbol file signatures

React Update - September 8th, 2022

Release - v1.0.3

  • Examples: Include pages mode environment file

React Update - September 7th, 2022

Release - v1.0.2

  • Examples: my-react-crasher fails to load

BugSplat Native Update - August 30th, 2022

Release - v4.0.0

  • Remove calls to unsafe native functions and support drop in .NET BsSndRpt replacement

  • Changes the arguments used to invoke BsSndRpt, BugSplatHD in order to support .NET drop-in replacement (BugSplatCrashHandler)

Web App Update - August 29th, 2022

Release - v2.11.12

  • Add React to onboarding tool

Stack Converter - August 24th, 2022

Release - v2.0.3

  • Handle electron native plugin symbols

Web App Update - August 19th, 2022

Release - v2.11.11

  • Show Active Thread ID on Crash page

Stack Converter - August 17th, 2022

Release - v1.2.5

  • Support for stack frames with win32 paths

Terms and Service Update - August 10th, 2022

  • Updates to BugSplat Terms of Service

Web App Update - August 5th, 2022

Release - v2.11.10

  • Change Jira Assignee Label to Assignee ID

bugsplat-ng update - August 3rd, 2022

Release - v14.0.2

  • Update

Release - v14.0.1

  • Security Fixes

Release - v14.0.0


  • Angular 14


  • Updates to package version to stay in sync with Angular versions

  • feat: use bugsplatJs to keep track of desc, key, email, user

    • Description, key, email, and user are now set only properties

Release - v13.0.0

  • Add README Section for Source Maps

  • Demo refresh chore(sample): improve symbol uploads

  • Provide ivy distribution

  • Allow overriding logger

bugsplat-gdk update - July 26th, 2022

Release - v1.2.1

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

bugsplat-gdk update - July 25th, 2022

Release - v1.1.2

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

Web App Update - July 17th, 2022

Release - v2.11.7

  • Add .macdmp as an inline preview type

Web App Update - July 2nd, 2022

Release - v2.11.6

  • re-add support for linkDefectId with prefix

bugsplat-gdk update - June 30th, 2022

Release - v1.1.1

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

Release - v1.1.0

  • See bugsplat-gdk changelog for details

Web App Update - June 27th, 2022

Release - v2.11.5

  • fix release workflow action

Release - v2.11.4

  • platform SVGs are too large

BugSplat-Unity Update - May 25th, 2022

Release - v2.3.0

  • feat: use BugSplatOptions for symbol uploads

  • feat: remove SendPdbs

Web App Update - May 25th, 2022

Release - 2.11.3

  • Crash page should show loading when reprocessing crash

Web App Update - May 22nd, 2022

Release - 2.11.2

  • Show company name in settings dropdown

  • Show non-restricted dbs on Admin page

BugSplat-Unity Update - May 16th, 2022

Release - v2.1.4...v2.2.0

  • Feat: add support for Unity 2019

Web App Update - May 16th, 2022

Release - 2.11.1

  • Should not throw errors when no plans available for Upgrade

Web App Update - May 15th, 2022

Release - 2.11.0

  • Add Rejected 30 Day and Rejected 365 Day

Web App Update - April 29th, 2022

Release - 2.10.6

  • Wait for a response before finalizing uploads

Release - 2.10.5

  • npm version should be added to package.json

Web App Update - April 28th, 2022

Release - 2.10.4

  • Enable close button after symbol upload

Web App Update - April 28th, 2022

Release - 2.10.4

  • Enable close button after symbol upload

JS API Client - April 21th, 2022

Release - 2.0.0

  • Replace Symbols API Client with Versions API Client

  • Merged the Symbols and Versions APIs to a single Versions API and thus have removed the Symbols API client.

Web App Update - April 20th, 2022

Release - 2.10.3

  • Remove default sort on Versions page

Release - 2.10.2

  • Fix logic miss with showFiltering

Web App Update - April 19th, 2022

Release - 2.10.1

  • Version ID column should be visible by default

Release - 2.10.0

  • Combine Symbols and Versions page

Web App Update - April 14th, 2022

Release - 2.9.26

  • Center graphic on restricted users lockout screen

Release - 2.9.25

  • Center graphic on restricted users lockout screen

Web App Update - April 11th, 2022

Release - 2.9.24

  • Improve drag and drop hover and disabled states

Web App Update - April 5th, 2022

Release - 2.9.23

  • Add legacy pricing FAQ

Web App Update - April 4th, 2022

Release - 2.9.21

  • Settings page background should fill vertical space

Web App Update - April 2nd, 2022

Release - 2.9.20

  • Empty Key Crash text should not be cutoff

Release - 2.9.19

  • Fix Key Crash button hover should not be white

Release - 2.9.18

  • Empty Key Crash text should not be cutoff

Web App Update - April 1st, 2022

Release - 2.9.17

  • Don't show empty IP address globe

Web App Update - March 30th, 2022

Release - 2.9.16

  • Confetti cannon should wait to fire on databases that already contain crashes

  • Stack key links should be disabled until crash is processed

Web App Update - March 29th, 2022

Release - 2.9.15

  • Add Link to Filter By IP Address

Release - 2.9.14

  • Restricted Settings menu should navigate to Billing page

Release - 2.9.13

  • Make stack key link clickable

Web App Update - March 26th, 2022

Release - 2.9.12

  • Remove crash id header information

Web App Update - March 25th, 2022

Release - 2.9.11

  • Fix ngb-filterable-dropdown styling issue

Web App Update - March 24th, 2022

Release - 2.9.10

  • Should provide enterprise users a contact us link in subscription nag

Release - 2.9.9

  • Improve crash page header styles

Release - 2.9.8

  • Improve markdown styles for code snippets in onboarding

Release - 2.9.7

  • Improve app and onboarding top nav styles

Release - 2.9.6

  • Add link to platform docs in onboarding

  • Update 'Bobby' image in the footer

Web App Update - March 23rd, 2022

Release - 2.9.5

  • Fix onboarding sample z-index issue

Release - 2.9.4

  • Show warning message to locked out restricted user

Web App Update - March 21st, 2022

Release - 2.9.3

  • Should not nag customers who pay via Invoice

Release - 2.9.2

  • Don't Nag Enterprise CustomersS

Web App Update - March 19th, 2022

Release - 2.9.1

  • Show nag when customer has exceeded user and app usage

Pricing Update - March 16th, 2022

Commercial Plans

Release of new pricing plans. Users who sign up for plans after March 16th, 2022 are governed by pricing detailed on the Plans page.

Users who signed up for plans before March 16th, 2022 are governed by legacy pricing plans.

Learn more by viewing the Billing documents or contacting

Free Plans

Terms for the Solo Developer, Open Source, Indie Game Dev, Education, and Good Causes terms have been updated as part of this new pricing plans release.

Release - 2.9.0

  • Release 2022 pricing

Release - 2.8.27

  • Update lockout flow to work with new billing page

Release - 2.8.26

  • Settings page should display "Loading..." instead of restricted before app is loaded

Web App Update - March 15th, 2022

Release - 2.8.25

  • Wait for stripe webhook

Web App Update - March 14th, 2022

Release - 2.8.24

  • Fix fontawesome path

  • fix Pricing TODOs

Web App Update - March 11th, 2022

Release - 2.8.23

  • Add Manage Apps page

Release - 2.8.22

  • Fix routerLink not defined on pricing page

Web App Update - March 9th, 2022

Release - 2.8.21

  • Merge Company General and Company Billing

Web App Update - March 9th, 2022

Release - 2.8.20

  • Reset Apps, Users, Crashes when toggling plan

Web App Update - March 8th, 2022

Release - 2.8.19

  • Use API for Upgrade Modal Crashes Input Max

Release - 2.8.18

  • Enterprise card should be paid by invoice

Web App Update - March 2nd, 2022

Release - 2.8.17

  • Update pricing modal to match new design

Web App Update - February 28th, 2022

Release - 2.8.16

  • Fix Font Awesome Math.Divide Warning

Web App Update - February 23rd, 2022

Release - 2.8.13

  • Add manage your plan link for legacy plans

Web App Update - February 15th, 2022

Release - 2.8.12

  • Redirect to Account page if Stripe Portal returns null

Release - 2.8.11

  • Fix should not fail to parse Subscription API

BugSplat Angular - February 10th, 2022

Release - 5.0.0

  • Uploads source maps

  • Add README Section for Source Maps

  • Demo refresh

  • chore(sample): improve symbol uploads

  • fix: provide ivy distribution

Web App Update - February 2nd, 2022

Release - 2.8.8

  • Update Crash and Key Crash action column styles

Release - 2.8.7

  • Move firstReported/lastReported to side column

BugSplat-js - February 2nd, 2022

Release - 7.1.1

  • Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7

  • Add types for server response

Release - 7.1.0

  • Add options FormDataParam

  • Make database, application, version public for bugsplat-ng

Web App Update - February 1st, 2022

Release - 2.8.6

  • Update Crash and Key Crash action column styles

Release - 2.8.5

  • Billing should show usage for currently selected company

Release - 2.8.4

  • Update comment component padding

Release - 2.8.3

  • Update event stream component styles

BugSplatNative library - January 31st, 2022

Release -

  • Added MiniDumper::setNotes(const __wchar_t* szNotes), which sets the initial value of the crash report Notes field. Note that your users can edit this field using the BugSplat web application. A current version of SendPdbs is also required for this API change.

Web App Update - January 31st, 2022

Release - 2.8.2

  • Update crash page overview font-size to 0.875rem

Web App Update - January 18th, 2022

Release - 2.8.1

  • Improve loading state on Settings pages

Web App Update - January 10th, 2022

Release - 2.7.6

  • NET Standard welcome url should be /dot-net-standard

Published January, 10th 2022

Supporting large applications with enormous crash volumes can be a real pain in the hindquarters. Luckily, we've upgraded our tooling for developers so that they can group related crashes and better target their support efforts. In this post, we quickly go over how you can take advantage of these important new tools.

Read the post -->

Web App Update - January 5th, 2022

Release - 2.7.4

  • Fix .NET Standard Platform Info Title and Image

Release - 2.7.5

  • Add attachment preview support for '.crashlog' files

Web App Update - January 4rd, 2022

Release - 2.7.3

  • Attachments preview should not close when crash is processing

Web App Update - January 3rd, 2022

First update of 2022! How exciting! BugSplat wishes you a happy and healthy 2022!

Release - 2.7.1

  • Widen database and company selector on medium screens

Last updated