Archive 2021

Changelog archives for 2021. Not finding what you're looking for? Send a message to

Looking for the current changelog? To get current product updates, please view our current Changelog or follow us on Twitter (we post updates there as well).

Web App Update - December, 28th 2021

Release - 2.7.0

  • Combine Company and Options into new Settings page

Web App Update - December, 15th 2021

New Feature! Users now get confetti in the onboarding tool when they submit their first crash to a database 🎊

Release - 2.6.6

  • Update post a sample crash button

Release - 2.6.7

  • Add tabs for platforms in onboarding

Release - 2.6.8

  • Shoot confetti when crash is received

BugSplat Terms Update - December 14th, 2021

  • BugSplat has updated our list of data sub-processors data sub-processors to include Hotjar. See the full list here.

Web App Update - December, 14th 2021

Release - 2.6.3

  • Fix broken links to doc folders in Onboarding

Release - 2.6.4

  • Drop crash details 'explanation' field

Release - 2.6.5

  • Fix bad link replacement in onboarding docs

BugSplat Unity - December, 14th 2021

Release - 2.1.2

  • Fixes error thrown in PostMostRecentCrash when Crash folder doesn't exist

Web App Update - December, 11th 2021

Release - 2.6.2

  • Sort order undefined when sorting by id

Web App Update - December, 10th 2021

Release - 2.6.1

  • Support 100k export limit

JS API Client - December, 9th 2021

Release - 1.1.6

  • Add filterable database to onboarding

Web App Update - December, 9th 2021

Release - 2.6.0

  • Add filterable database to onboarding

Web App Update - December, 8th 2021

Release - 2.5.5

  • Onboarding progress spinner

Web App Update - December, 6th 2021

🥳 Feature release! View Text Files from the attachments tab!

Release - 2.5.0

  • Feature release🥂: View text files from attachments tab

Release - 2.5.1

  • Fix: fix doc links containing anchor tags

Release - 2.5.2

  • Update first crash poller styles

Release - 2.5.3

  • Add preview for UE4 .runtime-xml files

Release - 2.5.4

  • Show versions selector when no applications are selected

Web App Update - December, 6th 2021

Release - 2.4.8

  • BugSplat Header should link to Welcome page

  • Updates Onboarding Welcome Text

  • Updates Create Database Text

Release - 2.4.9

  • Fix: crashes page should show groupByCount

Release - 2.4.10

  • Fix: multi-select dropdowns should stay open

  • Fix: update Onboarding to use Gitbook Docs

Release - 2.4.11

  • Fix: fix CORS issue with Welcome Docs

JS API Client - Release - 1.1.5 - November 27th, 2021

  • Add groupByCount to CrashesApiRow

JS API Client - Release - 1.1.4 - November 22nd, 2021

  • crashesApiRow id, stackKeyId should be type numberxpose TableDataFormDataBuilder

JS API Client - Release - 1.1.3 - November 22nd, 2021

  • Expose TableDataFormDataBuilder

JS API Client - Release - 1.1.2 - November 22nd, 2021

  • Throw more useful error if OAuthClientCredentialsApiClient fails to authenticate

Symbol Upload - v4.1.0 - November 19th, 2021

  • Get application, version, and database automatically

  • Zip files before uploading to s3

JS API Client - Release - 1.1.1 - November 18th, 2021

  • Adds Buffer to UploadableFile union type

macOS - Release - 1.1.2 - November 18th, 2021

  • Fixes issue with universal framework

macOS - Release - 1.1.1 - November 18th, 2021

  • Corrected framework download url

Web App Update - Release - 2.4.7 - November, 16th 2021

  • Fixes BugSplat Crash: name

Web App Update - Release - 2.4.6 - November, 16th 2021

  • Onboarding footer rework

  • Fixes Key Crash padding issue

  • Rebuild of onboarding progress marker

  • Fixes BugSplat Crash: setAttribute(691:15)

  • Onboarding page nav buttons

BugSplat Unity - Release - 2.1.1 - November 14th, 2021

  • Adds Sample Crasher as an Optional Import to the BugSplat Package

  • Add Sample Section to Help

Web App Update - Release - 2.4.0 - November, 12th 2021

  • Add Hotjar to web application

Web App Update - Release - 2.4.0 - November, 3rd 2021

  • Fixes line wrapping in common-modal

  • Group Crashes Updates

Web App Update - Release - 2.3.1 - November, 3rd 2021

  • Onboarding header styles

  • Font Awesome 5 Upgrade

  • Rename Subkeys page to Groups

  • Add Date Picker to Stack Explorer Page

Web App Update - Release - 2.3.0 - November, 3rd 2021

  • Adds support for generating OAuth2 Client Credentials

  • Improve README

  • Updates to Onboarding tool

BugSplat Unity - Release - 2.1.0 - October 14th, 2021

  • Adds support for configuring BugSplat via the Unity Editor

  • Adds support for DontDestroyOnLoad

BugSplat Unity - Release - 2.0.0 - October 7th, 2021

  • Adds support for WebGL

  • Fixes a bug where PostMostRecentCrash posted the oldest crash

Symbol Upload - Release - 3.0.0 - September 29th, 2021

Renames post and delete to postSymbols and deleteSymbols respectively

JS API Client - Release - 2.3.3 - September 29th, 2021

  • Fixes issue with TypeScript not generating correct paths in build output

Symbol Upload - Release - 2.3.3 - September 29th, 2021

  • Updates @bugsplat/js-api-client to a version compatible with Node.js

JS API Client - Release - 1.0.0 - September 28th, 2021

  • Adds client with support for posting crash reports

  • Adds client with support for the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow

Breaking Changes

  • Changes the order of the parameters for BugSplatApiClient's createAuthenticatedClientForNode and createAuthenticatedClientForWebBrowser functions so that host can be an optional parameter with a default value

iOS - Update - September 26th, 2021

  • Updated documentation.

macOS - Release - 0.0.12 - September 24th, 2021

  • Adds support for Crashes API

JS API Client - Release - 0.0.12 - September 24th, 2021

  • Adds support for Crashes API

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.40 - September 22th, 2021

  • Fixes typo in onboarding page

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.39 - September 22th, 2021

  • Fixes bug where some special characters were not allowed when creating new passwords

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.38 - September 22nd, 2021

  • Update to dramatically increases the speed of Crash processing by reducing information displayed in Modules table

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.37 - September 15th, 2021

  • Updates links to docs

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.36 - September 15th, 2021

  • Improves Crash Rate Alert note

  • Updates Sign Up page

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.35 - September 3rd, 2021

  • Increases password complexity requirements

  • Adds Crash page link to docs for iOS crashes

  • Updates Crash page links to new docs

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.34 - August 25th, 2021

  • Fixes text wrapping in row details component

  • Adds a link to JavaScript docs for JavaScript crashes

  • Adds support for uploading filesde.js.

JS API Client - Breaking Changes - Release 0.0.10 - August 25th, 2021

  • Removes dependency on fs so that symbol upload can be done in a browser as well as via node.js.

JS API Client - v0.0.9 - August 25th, 2021

  • Fixes bug where error was thrown if event username was undefined

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.33 - August 17th, 2021

  • Adds persistent column width to Crash page's Active Threads table

Web App Update - Release - 2.2.31 - August 17th, 2021

  • Fixes issue uploading .dSYM and .xcarchive packages with Safari

  • Adds link to docs for ASAN crash reports

  • Updates modal styles

BugSplatNative library - v3.6.0.11. - August 5th, 2021

  • Now supports Address Sanitizer crash reports. See here for details on this integration.

BugSplatNative library - v3.6.0.10. - Jul 22nd, 2021

  • MDSF_NONINTERACTIVE option now also enforces silent reporting of application hangs.

Web App Update - v2.2.30 - Jul 22nd, 2021

  • Updates row details table on Versions page

  • Updates row details table on Symbols page

  • Updates row details table on Summary page

  • Updates row details table on Company page

  • Updates row details table on Dashboard page

  • Updates Delete Symbols modal

  • Updates Transfer Database modal

  • Fixes padding for missing symbols warning

  • Fixes padding for row details Active Thread table

BugSplat Unity - v1.3.0 - Jul 20th, 2021

  • Adds support for capturing UnityPlayer.log in UWP

  • Fixes build error where PostBuild.cs could not find SendPdbs.exe in order to upload Plugin symbols

  • Fixes TODO to destroy Texture2D after being used to create a screenshot

Symbol Upload - v2.3.0 - Jun 29th, 2021

Adds support for removing symbols

Remote Stack Analyzer - v2.0.0 - Jun 28th, 2021

  • Fixes issues with corrupt crash report calculation

  • Improved performance in MacOS and Crashpad crash processing

  • Improved API error responses and error handling

Web App Update - v2.2.28 - Jun 28th, 2021

  • Updates Crash page styles

Stack Converter - v1.2.3 - Jun 22nd, 2021

  • Fixes broken bin command

Stack Converter - v1.1.0 - Jun 22nd, 2021

  • Fixes issue with invalid 'main' property in package.json

BugSplat Unity - v1.2.0 - Jun 22nd, 2021

  • Adds support for attaching Linux Editor.log and Player.log files

Web App Update - v2.2.27 - Jun 20th, 2021

  • Support for displaying defect events on Crash and Key Crash pages

Web App Update - v2.2.26 - Jun 18th, 2021

  • Adds markdown support to comments component

  • Fixes BugSplat when attempting to set initials for comment component

Web App Update - v0.0.6 - Jun 17th, 2021

  • Fixes Events comment event comment property should be message

Web App Update 16-June-2021

  • Fixed issue where exported csv had duplicate columns

  • Fixed issue where user couldn't login if database was deleted

Web App Update 15-June-2021

  • Fixed issue where database wasn't persisted when set by query param

Web App Update 10-June-2021

  • Added Reject Repeated Crashes option

  • Fixed bug in Comment callout

  • Fixed bug in ngx-charts where line chart was shaded incorrectly

  • Replaced area charts with line charts

Web App Update 04-June-2021

  • Fixed issue with emails address containing a + being unable to login

Web App Update 03-June-2021

  • Added new Comment component and renamed old component

  • Fixed incorrect sample crashes in grouped crashes table

Web App Update 21-May-2021

  • Fixed Key Crash breadcrumb overflow

  • Fixed issue opening Stripe portal with popup blocker enabled

Web App Update 17-May-2021

  • Fixed Grouped crashes table sample crashes weren't filtered by time frame

  • Fixed missing Key field on Crash page

  • Added ability to specify crash type on Migrate page

  • Added expand/collapse to long user descriptions on Crash page

  • Added new environment icons on Crash page

com.bugsplat.unity 1.1.0 Release 11-May-2021

  • Adds support for attaching Player.log and Editor.log on macOS

com.bugsplat.unity 1.0.0 Release 06-May-2021

  • Official release of redesigned Unity package to GitHub and OpenUPM

com.bugsplat.unity 0.0.2 Release 06-May-2021

  • Beta release of redesigned Unity package to GitHub and OpenUPM

BugSplatDotNetStandard 2.0.4 Release 04-May-2021

  • Adds support for posting stringified exceptions

BugSplatDotNetStandard 2.0.2 Release 29-April-2021

  • Adds support for Unity exceptions

BugSplatDotNetStandard 2.0.0 Release 29-April-2021

  • Adds support for uploading minidumps

  • Improves attachment support

Temporary Outage Fixed 20-Apr-2021

Due to an issue with our authentication service provider, BugSplat was temporarily unavailable for some users today. This issue has been resolved by the provider and is no longer an issue.

Check out Twitter account for further updates.

Web App Update 14-April-2021

  • Fixed locals and arguments not shown for Unreal and Unity crashes

  • Fixed filtering by eempty string

  • Fixed broken platform image link to docs

  • Added forward Unreal Engine crashes to Epic option

Web App Update 08-April-2021

  • Fixed broken Contact User button on Crash page

  • Fixed bug navigating on Stack Explorer page

  • Added links to filter crashes by email and user on Crashes page

  • Crash page style updates

Web App Update 05-April-2021

  • Crash page style updates

  • Fixed issue where arguments and locals where shown on unsupported platforms

  • Fixed issue with missing placeholder in Safari date pickers

Web App Update 29-March-2021

  • Fixed issue getting Crash data for February 28th

  • Fixed issue getting Crash data for customers in timezones with 30 minute offsets

  • Fixed formatting of Total Crashes field on Dashboard page

Web App Update 26-March-2021

  • Fixed bug posting comment from Crash page

  • Fixed bug creating/deleting defects from Crash page

  • Fixed issue with icons not loading on Crash page

  • Fixed broken Stack Key link on Crash page

Web App Update 22-March-2021

  • Fix bug with quotes in Error Log table

  • Add warnings to Error Log page

  • Add MFA status column to Company page

  • Style changes

Web App Update 08-March-2021

  • Released new Onboarding flow

Web App Update 02-March-2021

  • Beta released Error Log page

Web App Update 27-Feb-2021

  • Added database selector to default Support Response page

Web App Update 03-Feb-2021

  • Updated Add User component to support adding multiple users at once

Web App Update 01-Feb-2021

  • Fix cursor pointer bug on Summary page

  • Fix broken platform image for unknown platforms on Crash page

Web App Update 28-Jan-2021

  • Hide retired versions from applications/versions dropdowns

Web App Update 19-Jan-2021

  • Sort Application and Versions dropdown values

  • Improved site accessibility

Web App Update 13-Jan-2021

  • Fix for error loading Symbols page when application name or version was null

Web App Update 08-Jan-2021

  • Fix bug displaying comments on Key Crash page

Last updated